# FORMAT VERSION 1.1 # SITE NAME Connellys Bay Middle # SURVEY MARK 730/19 # OBSERVERS P Little J Green DPIWE # LATITUDE -42.889830675 # LONGITUDE 147.727826959 # EASTING 559429.975 # NORTHING 5251162.293 # HORIZONTAL DATUM GDA94 # UTM ZONE 55 # VERTICAL DATUM AHD # START DATE/TIME 2005/07/20 # END DATE/TIME 2005/07/20 # TIME ZONE HOURS 10 # TRUE BEARING TRANSECT DEGREES 237 # SURVEY METHOD RTK GPS # INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION Leica System 1200 # LEVEL MISCLOSURE MM # CREATION DATE 2012/01/11 # # # COLUMN 1 Horizontal distance from survey mark (m) # COLUMN 2 Vertical height above datum (m) # COLUMN 3 how-to-use flag (2 = use columns 1 and 2 (i.e. a levelling # measurement), # 1 = use column 1 only (i.e. a tape measurement # or a comment) # 0 = don't use data(i.e. erroneous data)) # COLUMN 4 etc. any comments on this location (words separated by spaces; # if more than one word, all comment enclosed in quotes) # # The perceived high water mark is indicated as follows: # # 2 HWM # # This mark was destroyed by a bush fire in Jan 2013. It is not planned to measure # any more profiles from it. A new mark 730/191 has been established nearby # file name should be 20050720 0 5.839 2 730/19 0.29 4.682 2 1910 5.09 5.281 2 1911 6.80 5.404 2 1912 8.08 5.476 2 1901 9.63 5.476 2 1913 13.66 5.229 2 1902 19.53 4.542 2 1903 23.95 3.499 2 1904 27.26 2.574 2 1905 30.89 1.965 2 1906 31.07 1.115 2 1907 37.35 0.806 2 1908 48.04 0.088 2 1909