The purpose of this page is to provide information to assist in the interpretation of TASMARC data.  Additional information will be added as necessary or on request.

Profile Plots
Profiles are usually plotted sequentially in groups of 4.  The last plot in a sequence will usually be repeated as the first one in the next.  The last sequence will always show plots of the first and last profiles measured at the site.

Survey Mark Description and Coordinates
When TASMARC was commenced in 2005 the survey marks were placed and coordinated by surveyors of the Department of Primary Industries Water and Environment (DPIWE).  Mark descriptions and coordinates were entered into the DPIWE Survey Control Marks Database.  Information about marks placed since that time has not been entered in this Database.  This information has been included in the header information of the beach profile data.  Example:

# 730/74 is a stainless steel screw in the top of a treated pine post.
# On 23/05/2010 the top of the post was 0.83 above ground level
# Coordinates of 730/74 derived by rapid static GPS on 23/05/2010
# Coordinate origin: SPM9920 574537.908E 5285574.175N 10.525A

For further information about TASMARC data please contact:

Nick Bowden